We need your help for the future of these Ukrainian children


[Update: 3/14/22]

The children from Alfa-Nik are almost to cross the border into Hungary.

Anatoliy has given the Van to one of the men from the orphanage who is picking up people fleeing the country to help take them across the [Hungarian] border. Every day he drives people to the border.

Anatoliy also has a couple who help run the orphanage who have stayed behind. Every day they open Alfa-Nik and help anyone who comes there needing help.

They are praying the orphanage will not get bombed. Anatoliy says every day they bomb Nickoleav[Mykolaiv] and Odesa and now Boska. He says he is able to get a hold of people who have crossed the border but those still in Ukraine he cannot reach because there is no power.

He asked for prayers. I assured him we were all praying.


[update: 3/13/2022]

Boska is the village where the orphans were taken from Nikolaev. From here they have taken the orphans and are trying to make it over the border. Everyone is without power so all cell phones are turned off to reserved power. Communication is hard. The little store in the village has no food. This is a farming community so some will have the food they have canned but canning supplies are hard to come by in Ukraine so many will not have canned goods. Some will have root cellars but in general, people will be cold and hungry.

In this small village of around 700 along with the surrounding villages the first night of our first year we had around 300 children. The [village] church was not hit and no one in this village died.

We need to continue to pray for the safe passage over the border and for all the Ukrainian people.

Anyone wishing to make donations may do so to Alfa-Nik.com Mark the donation for relief work. It will be used through the orphanage that works with homeless mothers, child birthing centers, other orphanages, and handicapped people to help in areas that fall through the cracks. It will also be used by the Southern Ukraine Conference in the needs that arise.

Please keep Ukraine and its people in your prayers.

When donating online, add to the comments field: “Ukraine Relief” or add that to you check when mailing checks. Thank you!

Please consider making a donation for the Alfa-Nik Orphanage. We will get it delivered to the right place when Ukraine is open for receiving relief funds. Thank you!

When donating, please add the words “Ukraine Relief” in the comments field so your donation will be earmarked for that. Thank you!

[Feb. 27, 2022] Alfa-Nik is located about 8 miles from the naval shipyard in Nikolaev, Ukraine. There is also a military airport in Nikolaev. All major cities including the capital Kyiv are under attack.

Most of Nikolaev's 480,000 residents have been evacuated. The children and families of the orphanage have been moved to a safe place. We have sent some relief money before the attack. Presently all forms of relief are closed.


Ingredients for Change

If you could create the ideal environment to raise a child in, what ingredients would you include? You would probably want a home in a nice, safe neighborhood with a low crime rate and a good school system. It would also be nice to have lots of green spaces to play in and plenty of nearby family events and facilities. Add in some fun recreational activities and playgrounds, and all of a sudden you’ve got an awesome place to grow up!

But before all of that, a child needs a family. People that will love and care for each other, keep each other safe, work together, and have fun together


Needs of the Children

Everyone wants the same things for their kids. We want them to grow up to love and be loved, to follow their dreams, to find success. Mostly, though, we want them to be happy. A happy childhood does not depend on the latest games, expensive gadgets and access to theme parks. It depends on feeling loved, understood, wanted, acknowledged and being connected to other people. This is what a family can provide, and what Alfa-Nik is providing to the children entrusted to its care


Orphanage Buildings:

  • Living Quarters

  • Cafeteria

  • Kindergarten

  • Future medical facility now under construction



Necessities for Change

The primary mission of Alfa-Nik is to protect the rights and interests of children. Our aim is to achieve this by:

  1. Establishing a Social Center that is made up of the following:

    • Four family-based homes for orphans.

    • Education Center, including a Kindergarten; Vocational Education facility; Recreational facilities

  2. Assisting and counseling families who are considering giving up their children due to difficult circumstances, to prevent child abandonment

  3. Promoting family values and loving environment for orphans entrusted to our care

  4. Supporting and participating in the life of orphans in Government orphanages